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Ighoyota Ben Ajenaghughrure
PhD Student of Human Computer Interaciton at Tallinn University’s School of Digital Technology. Ben’s Primary research focuses on enabling human-Computer Interaction Symbiois through measuring users trust with psychophysiological signals to enable the adaptivity of technologies inline with users trust state. “How interesting would be it be if Google assistant can understand the level of trust you place on its search results“. However, achieving this depends on the extent to which users trust can be assessed in realtime with psychophysiological signals, which is the whole focus of my Doctoral Thesis. Since 2018, Ben has been teaching Software development course such as Core java programming, Interactive application development (android) and Ambient Computing. In addition, since 2019, Ben has successfully mentored two Master thesis projects and two ongoing. Since 2018, Ben have been authoring and co-authoring scientific publications in English; participation in international conferences since 2018. Ben’s background also includes prototyping (unity game engine, C#, Java, Android Studio, ASP.Net) and evaluation of human computer interaction during well designed controled laboratory experiments using subjective and objective measurments (psychophysiological siugnals and self reporting questions)
Researcher Id:
ORCID: 0000-0002-3943-6915